Robert Downey Jr wins for Oppenheimer, John Cena’s nude act on stage shocks viewers

Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy, has received 13 nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director. The 96th Academy Awards, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, is happening in Los Angeles today. Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer is a strong contender to win multiple Oscars this year. The film, starring Cillian Murphy, has received 13 nominations, including Best Picture and…

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‘Animal’ surpasses ‘Salaar’ and ‘Dunki’ with 11.7 million viewers in the first two weeks

‘Animal’ has made an impressive mark by always ranking among the top-viewed films on Netflix for six straight weeks. This remarkable feat highlights the widespread acclaim and popularity achieved by the film, produced by Bhushan Kumar and directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, among audiences worldwide.Ranbir Kapoor starrer ‘Animal’ continues to shine brightly with an outstanding…

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