Made in Rs 5 crores, this Govinda film was released on his birthday, failed in cinemas, later earned cult status on…

Despite a stellar star cast, this comedy-drama was a commercial flop, but later hit on television, and even gained cult status. There have been instances when a film released in theatres flopped commercially. However, the same movie later becomes a cult classic. Today, we will discuss a film, that was led by a talented ensemble…

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Manoj Desai refutes rumors of Gaiety Galaxy Cinema’s shutdown, emphasizes renovation |

Amid swirling rumors suggesting the closure of cinema halls, Manoj Desai, Executive Director of Gaiety Galaxy Cinema, sets the record straight. Speaking exclusively to Etimes, Manoj Desai vehemently denied reports of the shutdown, expressing frustration over misconceptions.“Is it a crime to renovate our cinemas?” Desai questioned, debunking claims of closure.He clarified that the temporary closure…

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This actress filmed cinema’s first orgasm scene, said director duped her, quit films to turn scientist, invented Wi-Fi

This actress became infamous for filming cinema’s first orgasm scene, later quit scene and was instrumental in the invention of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. In the 21st century, filming intimate scenes, even those that are graphic or suggestive in nature, is no big deal, at least in Hollywood. So it is hard to imagine a time…

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