Megan Thee Stallion faces lawsuit after forcing cameraman to watch her have sex

A lawsuit has been filed against Grammy-winning rapper Megan Thee Stallion, accusing her of fostering a hostile work environment and various labour code violations,

A former cameraman, Emilio Garcia, has filed a lawsuit against Grammy-winning rapper Megan Thee Stallion, accusing her of fostering a hostile work environment and various labour code violations, including harassment and unpaid wages.

Garcia, who worked with the rapper from 2018 to 2023, detailed a range of grievances in the complaint filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, confirmed The Hollywood Reporter.

Among the allegations, Garcia claims that during a tour in Spain in June 2022, he was subjected to humiliation when Stallion engaged in sexual activity in a moving vehicle in which he was present. “I was embarrassed, mortified, and offended throughout the whole ordeal,” Garcia stated in the lawsuit. Additionally, he alleges that Stallion fat-shamed him and enforced stringent work conditions, including being on 24/7 standby and being denied proper compensation and breaks.

The lawsuit also addresses the termination of Garcia’s contract in 2023, which he contends was in retaliation for raising concerns about the hostile work environment and unpaid wages, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Ron Zambrano, a partner at West Coast Employment Lawyers representing Garcia, emphasized the severity of the situation, stating, “Employees who work for celebrities should be afforded the same sort of workplace free of harassment that any other worker in any other industry is legally obligated to have.”

Responding to the allegations, Stallion’s attorney, Alex Spiro, reportedly characterized the lawsuit as solely motivated by financial gain, stating, “This is an employment claim for money — with no sexual harassment claim filed and with salacious accusations to attempt to embarrass her.” However, Zambrano refuted this claim, asserting that the lawsuit indeed addresses a hostile work environment based on sex. The legal dispute highlights broader issues concerning workplace conditions in the entertainment industry, with Zambrano stressing the need to hold individuals accountable for illegal actions regardless of their celebrity status. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the legal proceedings are expected to unfold in the coming months.

(With inputs from ANI)

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