Meet singer who began career in nightclub, has no training, still sings in 17 Indian, 8 foreign languages, is now…

Usha Uthup began her career at the age of 19, singing at nightclubs. Despite having no formal training in music, Usha can sing in 17 Indian, 8 foreign languages

When it comes to singing and acting, an artiste has to sharpen his natural talent gifted by God. However, here we are discussing a veteran singer, who never had formal training in singing. This artiste has worldwide popularity and enjoys a loyal fandom. Her followers love her voice, but there was a moment in her life when she was thrown out for her vocals. 

Meet Usha Uthup

Born on November 8, 1947, in Bombay, in a Brahmin Tamil family, Usha is a veteran Indian pop, filmi, jazz, and playback singer, who has working since 19. Since 1969, Usha has sung in 17 Indian languages and eight foreign languages. 

Usha Uthup was thrown out for her voice? 

Usha’s husky voice has millions of followers, but there was a time when the same voice also led to her being thrown out of music classes at her school once. She recalled the same incident in a recent Filmfare interview, in which she said, “I was once thrown out of class because my music teacher, Ms Davidson, believed my voice didn’t suit the choir. But realising I had musical talent, she gave me the triangle and clappers to play.” 

Usha Uthup took no formal training in music

It’s a surprise to know that a singer, who is so versatile in the art, has never taken formal training. In an interview with Hinduonnet, Usha revealed that she grew up in a musical background, “I am not trained in classical music. My parents used to listen to Kishori Amonkar and Bade Ghulam Ali Khan on the radio and I used to join them. Slowly, it became a passion.” 

Usha Uthup started her career by singing in nightclubs

Usha started her music career by singing in a small nightclub called Nine Gems, Chennai in 1969. Usha’s performance was so well received that the owner of the nightclub asked her to stay on for a week. After this, she began singing in Calcutta at nightclubs such as Trincas, where she met her future husband Uthup. She still performs at Trincas. During the same time, Usha also sang at Mumbai’s (then Bombay’s) Not Just Jazz by the Bay. After Trincas, her next engagement took her to Delhi where she sang at the Oberoi hotels. 

Usha Uthup’s Bollywood Calling moment

Usha Uthup on Bollywood not giving her enough opportunities

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