Man charged for plotting mass shooting at rapper’s concert to spark race war during elections

A man in the US has been indicted for plotting a mass shooting at a concert to incite a race war ahead of the Presidential Election

A 58 year-old man in the American state of Arizona has been indicted for plotting a mass shooting at a concert of rapper Bad Bunny. A federal grand jury late last week indicted Mark Adams Prieto for allegedly trying to start a race war ahead of the upcoming US Presidential Elections. It is alleged that the accused wanted to target African Americans at the concert.

Prieto was charged with Possession of an Unregistered Firearm, Firearms Trafficking, and Transfer of a Firearm for Use in a Hate Crime. As per Deadline, if convicted, he could be sentenced to up to 40 years in prison.

According to a New York Times report, the indictment comes after a months-long investigation by US’ Federal Bureau of Investigatio (FBI) that began in October 2023 following a confidential tip-off that informed them of the plot. Prieto bought several semi-automatic rifles with cash to avoid coming under the scanner. However, he attracted attention at several gun shows across US in 2023, where he allegedly advocated mass killings of African Americans, Muslims, and Jews.

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