Over 300 killed in floods across Afghanistan

The death toll from flooding in Afghanistan has crossed 300, said the Word Food Programme on Sunday, reported CNN.

Resulting in a massive humanitarian crisis, the floods have wreaked havoc in the Afghan provinces of Badakhshan, Ghor, Baghlan, and Herat. Due to flooding, nearly 2,000 homes have been damaged, and widespread destruction has taken place in the provinces.

“Flash floods ravage Afghanistan, killing more than 300 people in Baghlan and destroying more than 1000 houses,” the WFP said in a post on X.

“This has been one of many floods over the last few weeks, due to unusually heavy rainfall. WFP is now distributing fortified biscuits to the survivors,” it added.

Following the deadly floods in four districts of Baghlan, at least 130 people have died, and approximately 100 others have been injured.

Moreover, local officials in Baghlan Province stated that the death toll may rise even further. 

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