aespa Becomes Trendsetters With Unique CD-Player Albums, Netizens React

“No excuse not to play their CDs now…”

aespa recently released their first-ever full-length album, Armageddon. The album was celebrated through the release of unique album versions. The first ever of their kind, aespa released CD player versions, allowing fans to relive the retro days without spending money on a whole new device.

| theqoo

The CD player version has 10 different versions. One doesn’t need to use any external device to listen to the album. All they have to do is to buy aespa’s album! Real life photos of the album shocked with how high-quality the item was.

| theqoo

Not only can you recharge the device, but you can also connect it to any bluetooth headphone or earphone device.

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You can also easily remove the disc.

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This means you can use it to listen to other groups’ albums too.

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The girls have been showing it off.

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Of course, you can connect wired earphones to it too.


Netizens have been gushing over the creativity.

Everyone wants one.

They’re putting fans to work!

Some fans are ready to pay the price.

Of course, with the high amount of wastage going on in K-Pop recently, the CD player version helps give fans a new toy to play with, while reducing the number of albums that get thrown away. The album version will be released on May 27, 2024.

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