Let’s get serious about sporting facilities for kids

An activist held a press conference recently, in which he accused the Mumbai Schools Sports Association (MSSA) of a number of wrongs. This included alleged financial irregularities. Then, using school sports funds and infrastructure for personal use, and not furnishing proof for expenses on the upgradation and upkeep of the school ground and infra, which meant a sponsor pulled out.

The school association hit back accusing the activist of being an extortionist and misleading the public and media. It was a fiery meet with some trenchant accusations by the activist, met with a sharp riposte by the school association which hit back hard.

Through all the muck flying around, what should be paramount is that our schoolchildren’s ground, at SoBo (near Metro) is maintained well. The association must have an ambulance on call for children. That is imperative in case of injury, which is a very real prospect in sporting competition. Finger pointing aside, are there good drinking water facilities for the children? There should be water coolers, a basic requirement for sport, especially in the summer months. There must be good changing rooms at the site so that students can change in privacy and dignity. This is once again, a basic and necessary requirement. 

We have sporadic reports about ambulances being unavailable at times. Then, we have also read about non-existent changing facilities at some sporting venues. Girls have been forced to change in a van. This brings us to toilets at the Azad Maidan ground. Adequate, clean toilets with running water are a necessity.

It is up to those responsible to ensure that these basics are in place, as they are the first rung of the school sports system. The accusations and counters may go on but we must ensure a fully functional and safe sporting space for schools. 

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