Facial Composite of Late Goo Hara’s Safe Burglar Revealed For The First Time

In 2021, the police had stated it was difficult to identify the culprit based on the video footage provided.

This article is part of our coverage of Burning Sun Scandal. You can read more and view the entire timeline here.

Following BBC‘s gripping documentary on the “Burning Sun” scandal, revealing the late Goo Hara‘s huge role in helping the investigation, the spotlight is back on the unsolved burglary that took place at her house 50 days after her passing.

The late Goo Hara | @koohara__/Instagram

In April 2021, the Seoul Gangnam Police Department confirmed that the investigation was completed in December 2020 and that the case had closed.

Police Close Goo Hara’s Theft Investigation Due To Inability In Identifying The Culprit

The police stated that “while they made efforts to identify the culprit from the CCTV evidence, it was difficult with the video footage provided.” 

However, in the latest episode of Unanswered Questions, a facial composite has been successfully put together and revealed to the Korean public—asking for possible tips to finally identify the burglar.


The burglar is estimated to be at least 5’8″ or taller (in the high-end range of 170-180cm) and in his late 20s or early 30s at the time of the crime.


The late Goo Hara’s older brother, Goo Ho In, claimed that before the burglar took off with the safe, he had retrieved most of Goo Hara’s valuables from the safe. Goo Ho In noted that he still has Goo Hara’s old phones, assumed to have been the target that the burglar was after.


The valuables that were inside the safe… I retrieved them all while I was taking care of her things.

— Goo Ho In

| theqoo

So, when the burglar left with her safe, it is safe to say that he left with an empty metal box.

— Goo Ho In

The old phones that Goo Ho In retrieved from the late Goo Hara’s safe. | SBS

Following the episode, Koreans rooted for the late Goo Hara’s older brother and his endeavor to solve the mysterious burglary.

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 10.20.37 PM
| theqoo
  • “Not even her closest friends knew about the safe. Where it was or what was inside. Even the older brother didn’t know what was inside until he opened it. So who could it have been?”
  • “Wow, I’m so relieved that the older brother has what was inside the safe. I wonder how the burglar knew about the safe. This gives me the chills.”
  • “Ugh, the facial composite is giving me goosebumps.”
  • “Isn’t this… putting Goo Ho In in danger?”
  • “Oh, wow!”
  • “It’s such a relief that the older brother is a wise person. I felt so bad for him the whole time I was watching the episode. He had a lot of terrible things happen in such a short time period…”
  • “What a relief. I hope this can get resolved.”

The burglar was caught on CCTV cameras trying to enter the house through the front door using a password, which hinted at his familiarity with the house. But upon failing, he scaled the wall and entered through the second-floor balcony. Given the intruder’s thorough knowledge of the house layout and the exact location of the safe, it was assumed to be an inside job.

Watch the CCTV footage that was shared by Dispatch back in 2020.

Source: theqoo (1) and (2)

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