Fourth-Generation Idol’s Bubble Messages Spark Criticism On The New Direct-Reply Function

Fans wish she didn’t have to see these messages.

While fan platform apps can be a fun way for artists and fans to interact, they can also come with their cons too.

| @Santalscent_/X

Recently, Bubble added a direct-messaging feature where artists can reply directly to a fan’s message on the app.

With this, Billlie Tsuki’s Bubble messages garnered attention online as she tried to answer to fans through the direct reply function.

| Bubble

“Fan: Tsuki, for those kind of events, try to look for Belllie’ve and say hi to them instead of to people you don’t know.

Tsuki: Oh no…I’m so sorry for making you feel sad. I will try harder!!! But please know that Belllie’ve are number one! I will work really really, really hard to find Belllie’ve when on stage!”

— Tsuki

| Bubble

“Fan: Forget about it. I died because you didn’t ask if we were okay yesterday.

Tsuki: Why are you saying it like that? Don’t die. ㅠㅠ I’m sorry that I couldn’t come here yesterday. I am always thankful to our fans for supporting us! Although I may not be able to express it to everyone, please know that I am always thinking of you in my heart. Please don’t be sad.”

— Tsuki

Netizens were shocked at how rude the messages and hoped Tsuki wouldn’t take it so hard on herself.

I’m not a fan, but I was at the show yesterday. Billlie did a great job on stage and was really pretty, and had a good response from the audience. They took care of their fans and I learned the fandom’s name because she talked about them several times. Tsuki, hwaiting!

I hate this type of thinking. Aside from complaining to the artist, this was an event where it’s only right to be kind to others too. You have to be kind to others so they can become fans too. Fans are like family. You take care of your family daily, but when guests come, you treat them with respect, too. And it’s those that understand this that are true fans.

The direct-reply function just shows the type of comments idols have been receiving through this app…

There are so many crazy people in this world. Don’t just say you’re going to die. Show it through action. Just die.

Tsuki is too nice. If I were her, I would be so mad I would come on Bubble just once a month.

I wish artists didn’t have to do this…(I’m cursing the agency not the artist)

I wish they would get rid of the direct-reply function. I hate that the idols have to see all these messages. And if they do reply, those that didn’t ret a reply get jealous and get even more out of hand.

I hate that these people are writing nonsense while she’s trying her hardest to reply in Korean, even though she’s not fluent.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you for or against the direct-reply function?

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