Creating controversy a planned decision to enter BB house? Vada Pav girl answers

Chandrika Gera Dixit, aka the Vada Pav girl, has entered the Bigg Boss OTT 3 house. The internet sensation, who has been part of several controversies recently, will be showing her real personality to the world. As she is all set to fight for the trophy of Bigg Boss OTT 3, Dixit, in a conversation with, spilled the beans about her decision to take up the reality show.

Dixit started the conversation by sharing that she wished to enter the house to show the world her real personality. When asked if all these controversies she was part of were a pre-planned strategy to gain audience attention and enter the Bigg Boss house, she responded, “Chandrika Dixit never plans anything. I will face situations as and when they come my way. I don`t think planning achieves anything.”

She further continued, “I have one principle in life: never let an opportunity go. I don`t want to regret it later.”

When asked about the allegations netizens have put on her, Chandrika reacted and said, “The internet has said a lot of things about me, but it`s not like that. I guess it was destined to be this way.”

Chandrika shared that she doesn`t think Bigg Boss will be tough for her, as for her, `everyone is a human being.`

On a parting note, we asked her if she plans to venture into the entertainment world, to which she said, “It all depends on destiny. I don`t miss any opportunity, but Vada Pav will always be on top.”

About Bigg Boss OTT 3:

Anil Kapoor will be replacing Salman Khan as the host for Bigg Boss OTT 3. During the press conference for the reality show, when asked about this, Anil shared, “There is no one who can replace Salman Khan.” The actor further continued and shared that he has had a chat with Salman, and Bhaijaan is very happy about his friend’s new endeavor. Anil said that Salman is very happy for him as he is doing a non-fictional show.

Bigg Boss OTT is a spin-off of the popular Indian reality TV show Bigg Boss. The first season was streamed on Voot and was hosted by filmmaker Karan Johar. Salman Khan replaced Karan as the host of Bigg Boss OTT 2. The show was won by Elvish Yadav.

When the promo of the show was released, the video featured actor Anil Kapoor as the new host. In the video, reflecting on his life experiences, Anil addresses the question, “Kya hi baaki hai AK?” with the response, “Abhi to bas shuru kia hai,” signifying his new role in the show. Season 3 of Bigg Boss OTT will revolve around the theme of Ab Sab Badlega with the tagline Thoda Logic, Thoda Magic.

Hosted by Anil Kapoor, Bigg Boss OTT Season 3 will premiere today, Friday, June 21.

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