Signed Albums By Popular Fourth-Gen K-Pop Group Spotted In B.A.P’s Documentary

We’d love to see a collab!

Not long ago, B.A.P fans were shocked and delighted by the sudden and unexpected announcement that the group, which has long been on hiatus, would be releasing a documentary and were reuniting to release new music. The boy group hasn’t had a comeback since 2017, and they had all but officially disbanded by 2019 when all the members had left their former label, TS Entertainment.

B.A.P | TS Entertainment

At the time of this seemingly unofficial disbandment, though, Jongup assured fans that they could potentially have a reunion in the future. And that time seems to be now, with Yongguk, Jongup, Daehyun, and Youngjae working together to come out with new music. Zelo is currently completing his military enlistment, while Himchan is no longer associated with B.A.P following sexual assault charges and other criminal behavior.

| TS Entertainment

As mentioned earlier, along with their reunion is a documentary titled “Man on the Moon”, which features a behind-the-scenes look at what the members have been working on and their feelings about working together again. During one part of the documentary, though, viewers couldn’t help but notice some albums in the background that fans of both groups never would have expected!

Yongguk (B.A.P)

Set on a shelf beside some other K-Pop albums are two of ATEEZ‘s ZERO : FEVER EPILOGUE albums. Notably, each of the albums also appear to be signed by all of the group’s members!

Given the main genre of both groups’ music, it isn’t surprising that a lot of their fans overlap. But many are still shocked and amazed that there is apparently some kind of friendly relationship between the two K-Pop groups!

With B.A.P seemingly returning to the music industry, this unexpected collision of worlds has some fans wondering if a collaboration could be a potential future project. Whatever the case may be, it’s just exciting to see these “crumbs” between two beloved artists from vastly different periods in K-Pop history!

You can watch the whole first episode of the B.A.P documentary here:

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