Former T-ara member Ahreum refutes child abuse allegations and shares her side of the story | K-pop Movie News

Former T-ara member Ahreum has stepped into the spotlight once again, this time to address allegations of child abuse that have recently surfaced. As per the reports of Sports Kyunhyang on June 4, Ahreum vehemently denied claims that she had been sent to prosecution on charges of child abuse.

In a statement, she asserted, “That’s nonsense. I’ve never received any notification about being sent to prosecution for child abuse”, as quoted by AllKpop.She further clarified, “My first child said they were abused by their father so I took them with me. I was in the process of being investigated with my child”.

During the interview, Ahreum elaborated on the ordeal, revealing that she had undergone a thorough police investigation. “I thoroughly underwent a police investigation regarding this. At that time, the investigators sided with me”, she stated, expressing her frustration with the situation. Disputing allegations that she had fabricated child abuse claims against her ex-husband, Ahreum denied any involvement in staging the recording. “The child repeatedly said they were being assaulted by their father, so I turned on the recorder. The recorded content was only a part of it. And it was never staged. The child spoke on their own free will”, she clarified.
However, on June 3, the Gwangmyeong Police Station in Gyeonggi Province announced that Ahreum had been referred to the prosecution on charges of child abuse, child abandonment and neglect, and kidnapping and enticing a minor. Notably, Ahreum’s mother was also implicated in the case and referred to the prosecution on charges of kidnapping and enticing a minor. Additionally, reports indicated that an analysis suggested Ahreum may have influenced her children, potentially leading them to fabricate their testimony.
In response to these developments, Ahreum came forward in an interview to refute the claims, emphasizing that she had never received any formal notification of being referred to the prosecution. She also disclosed that she is currently hospitalized, further complicating the situation.
Ahreum’s personal life has been under scrutiny since her marriage to her ex-husband in 2019, with the couple welcoming two children. However, last December, Ahreum made headlines when she initiated a divorce lawsuit, shedding light on the tumultuous nature of her recent experiences.

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