When Amitabh Bachchan got angry at Jaya Bachchan after a journalist questioned him about his affair with Rekha | Hindi Movie News

Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan recently celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary on June 3. They make one of the best on-screen pairs who are also married off screen. While Big B was and has been the reigning superstar known for his iconic on-screen portrayals, he’s also been in the news for his link-ups and rumours in the media. A journalist named Karan Thappar who had mentioned an incident in his book ‘Devil’s Advocate: The Untold Story’, wherein he asked Bachchan about his link-ups, post which the actor yelled at his wife Jaya Bachchan.
Thappar said in his book that in 1992, he had visited Bachchan at his house, Pratiksha, to interview him.It was the occasion of his 50th birthday. Thappar had asked him, “There have been a lot of stories of your alleged love affairs with actresses. After your marriage, have you had an affair with any other woman?”
Big B responded, ‘Never’. Karan further probed him and took names. He was asked about Parveen Babi, responding to which, he said, “No. I too have read such stories. They’re not true. But I can’t stop magazines writing this sort of stuff.” Further Thappar asked, “What about Rekha?” Bachchan said, “Not even with her.”
Thappar then turned to Jaya Bachchan who was also sitting there and asked her if she believed him. She responded, “I always believe my husband.”
Big B had asked Thappar to stay back for lunch, however according to the journalist, Bachchan’s mood was upset after the interview and these questions. At the table, Jaya Bachchan asked Big B if he would eat rice as there was a delay in rotis. He got a little angry and said why is she offering him something which he doesn’t eat.
She further told him, that while she is checking the status of the rotis, would he like to take some rice in the meantime. On hearing her, Big B lost his cool and said, “Stop it. Just stop it, I’ve said I don’t want rice and I’m happy to wait for the rotis. Can’t you understand that? What’s the matter with you? Why can’t you just listen to what I’m saying?”
The journalist added that he could feel that Big B was upset because of the interview and that came out on his wife.

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