Han So-hee surprises fans in Paris with signed letters adorned with kiss stamps

Videos and images capturing Han So-hee‘s heartfelt gesture of distributing signed letters to fans during her visit to Paris have quickly circulated across social media and online communities on March 2. The actress departed to Paris, France on February 28, gracing the 20th-anniversary celebration of the French luxury brand Boucheron as its global ambassador.
In the footage captured, Han So-hee smiles genuinely as she interacts with eager fans gathered outside her hotel, generously distributing them papers. These papers, much to the delight of fans, turned out to be handwritten letters adorned with Han So-hee’s signature, delicate lip stamps, and kind messages written in her native Korean.
Despite her demanding schedule, Han So-hee dedicated her leisure time in the hotel to craft these thoughtful tokens of appreciation. Within each personalized letter, she penned heartfelt sentiments such as, “I’ll always root for you from afar. Stay healthy”, and “Although it’s already late, I wish you a happy new year”.
From engaging with fans in online chat rooms to sharing exclusive, unreleased photographs and even sending personalized voice messages inquiring about their well-being, the actress’s affection for her admirers knows no bounds.
In a candid interview with a media outlet earlier, Han So-hee expressed her earnest desire to reciprocate the love and support received her devoted fanbase, stating, “I want to treat fans who love and support me unconditionally better”.

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