Queen of Divorce Actress Lee Ji-ah’s Agency Takes Strong Stand Against Online Harassment and Slander |

Lee Ji-ah‘s agency is taking a strong stand against online harassment and slander. They issued a statement to protect the rights of the actress. BH Entertainment, the agency representing Lee Ji-ah, issued a resolute declaration against online defamation and slander targeted at their client.
In an official statement released on February 27, conveyed through the law firm Yulchon, the agency voiced, “Malicious slander, personal attacks and indiscriminate false information related to our company’s actress Lee Ji-ah are continuously spread and distributed online”, as reported by Kbizoom.Expressing deep concern over the relentless dissemination of unfounded allegations aimed at Lee Ji-ah, the agency emphasized, “In order to eradicate malicious posts damaging the personality and reputation of the actress, we will track down malicious commenters until the end and hold them accountable to the fullest extent of the law without mercy”.
The agency’s statement underscored their proactive approach in combating online harassment, outlining stringent measures, “We are collecting related data through our self-monitoring system and gathering evidence of illegal acts conducted publicly on various online communities, YouTube, and social media sites through reports. Based on the collected data, we will proceed with legal procedures, such as civil and criminal lawsuits, through our legal representative, law firm Yulchon. We will respond strongly without leniency and agreement”.
“BH Entertainment will continue collecting evidence and monitoring malicious posts to protect the rights and interests of our actors. Since the evidence you send us is very helpful for legal proceedings, we ask you to continue reporting malicious comments”, asserted the agency.
In the meantime, Lee Ji-ah can be seen in the drama ‘Queen of Divorce’, airing on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8:50 p.m.

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